
Why last VAC Anticheat update is useless

A couple of days ago, Valve released a new update for CSGO, that "improve" its already pointless anticheat. And I decided to make a thread about it because it's stupidly funny. The article blur : In this article, they detail  : I will analyse this by paragraphs. So let's start with the second one, they will "restricts" the types of programs and files that can interact with the game. If you don't know CSGO, and common programs behaviour, know that some programs that have overlays like Discord, OBS, Nvidia stuff, need to inject DLLs (see my post about hooking functions ) to execute code in the CSGO process, for overlay purposes. But a cheat is also about injecting and executing a code in CSGO, so VAC Anticheat has to make the difference between a cheat and a legit software like Discord. And during all it's existance, there was false positives made by VAC.  The next paragraph explain that now, if VAC detect that you load an incompat...

Virtualization in Commercial products

Hi all. Last april, I looked to a commercial software to see how it was protected. It was using Themida 3.0, a very good virtualization with custom handles, optimized bitcode and stuff.. But after looking around it for one hour, I figured out that some very important parts of the code were not virtualized. In fact, the entier license system were clear x64 ! Today I will try to talk about it without revealing the software for obvious reasons. So how a good security like Themida could lead to this result ? How this security is applied during the release process ?  Well in general software that are a little bit serious protect things that should be protected. But, if you look closly, you may notice that there is a problem. Some important parts of the code are not protected at all by the virtualization !!! It's could be resumed by the thing that some software providers wants to apply a security to protect their software without understanding the point of it. They just check security ...

How inject code intro PE executables

Hi, all. Last year, I thought it could be a great idea to combine all possible ways to modify code of an executable in a thread. And one year later this is it ! the post is out ! (thanks to caffeine) There is a lot of reason why modify / inject code in an assembled executable : Inject a shellcode in a legit program to make it a malware Modify a program to patch a vulnerability while the update is not available (cc 0patch) Crack a program to bypass a check Make a malware or a protection signature change to be "FUD" Code a cheat for a game (more about runtime modification) Just make a "strong" security (assembly level, more about runtime modification again) Here is what you can do in function of each perspective. In executable : Byte patching Code caving Code caving with new section Creating a new section and make the entrypoint point to it Create a new import to a DLL From external programme : Inject a DLL and create a t...